The community driven password manager
100% free!

It is free and it will be free forever. But if you want you can donate us money via Kofi below.
This will not happen. At least not without a notification and without enough time to export your data
Currently you can see the uptime at the Status Page.
So secure as a self-hosted vaultwarden instance would be. This is just a normal vaultwarden server in a Docker Cluster. We can not see your passwords and can not access your vault.
Yes we can. But we don't do. But we encourage you to do not trust us and backup your vault frequently.
We reserve the right to regularly delete accounts that have no passwords and where there is no activity.
We save everything what vaultwarden saves in its default configuration. Data we have from you is only the data your provide us and your IP Address and the URL you requested. There is no tracking of your activities beyond the default.
We are helping you if you have problems
We support you via Email, Discord or Matrix
We are fixing Issues with the Installation
If you request it we can remove your data from the instance
Hoster | Domain | Hosting Setup |
---|---|---| | | Kubernetes | | | Docker |